My BNSF Railroad

This will be were the tractor sales and eventually there be a building there is well 
Eventually as I build a towel from around this building there should be two more industries that will be on the track and I expect at least four train cars can be dropped off at any given time

Ok this is the farm part of the layout   There will be a loading dock for cattle , there will be a sheep pen and a pigpen here you'll get to see how the farmers work and out orange groves were.  Picked   The orange grove will be a Sunkist orange grove

This building will be one of the fruit packing plants this will be the Sunkist Orange packing plant

For my Birthday i will be getting 4 passger4n cats and two light up bumper. 
these are what they will look like

Hi all this is my update to what i have gotten to work on  

This is the back left side of the track plain

 This is the train yard

 passenger terminal  i am planing on buying 4 more passenger cars  I have decide if i am going to get
southern cars of finish the  BNSF cares

 This will be the Fruit exchange / flat bed unloading as will
 This is going to be the farm area

Would like to build this one

this is my first train test

I have start to build buildings for the lay out here are the photo

i not sure what i am going to use this one for yet

Here is the open air building

 now this is my cattle yard

12/28/17  update So I started working on the industries and I started putting down the roadbed I have most of the roadbed finished I still haven’t finished a call area for roadbed I also started working on some new train cars which I will be putting pictures up here I’ve gotten two so far that I’ve glued together and I’m also start working on couplers fixing them I’m fixing wheels next is the start building building so my next goal before I do another update is to build about three new buildings that I bought and get those in the place I also bought two buildings recently and I’ll post pictures of those soon


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